Training with Hex Dumbbells

Hex DB 27.5 KG

The History of the Dumbbell

Once upon a time in Ancient Greece dumbbells were known as halteres. Unlike todays clean and crisp dumbbells, halteres were made of stone, held using a hole in them as opposed to a bar. The ancient Greeks primarily used the halteres for weight lifting but also implemented the weights into their version of the long jump.

The familiar shape of the dumbbell originated in the early 17th century, containing of two equal weights attached to a handle. The three current types of dumbbell consist of adjustable dumbbells, fixed-weighted dumbbells and “selectorized” dumbbells.

Benefits of Hex Dumbbells

  • Rubber Hex Dumbbells can directly generate muscle growth through two specific types of overload, mechanic and metabolic. Mechanic overload takes place when damaged muscle (caused by muscle contractions), stimulates the repair process resulting in the augmentation of muscle size. Metabolic overload takes place when muscle is worked to fatigue, leading to the transformation of muscle cells being capable of storing more glycogen which can lead to the development of bigger muscle.
  • Hex Rubber Dumbbells exercises have the ability to develop both intermuscular and intramuscular coordination, leading to improved levels of muscle activation. Intermuscular coordination is the capability of various different muscles to work simultaneously to generate and stabilize joint motion. Intramuscular coordination is the quantity of muscle motor units and their joint muscle fibres that are activated within a particular muscle. Light weight hex dumbbells may be used for compound, multi-joint or multi-planar movements which enhance coordination between different body segments. Heavy rubber hex dumbbells may be used to escalate the number of activated muscle fibres within a particular muscle.
  • Hex dumbbells possess the ability to advance the contractile element as well as the elastic component of muscle tissue. The contractile element includes the actin and myosin muscle proteins responsible for sliding across one another creating concentric shortening actions or control eccentric lengthening. The elastic component is the fascia as well as the connective tissue attaching each individual muscle fibre together, including groups of fibres. Furthermore, the elastic component stocks mechanic energy during the lengthening process, which is released during a swift muscle-shortening action.

Top 3 Upper Body Dumbbell Exercises

1. Shoulder Press

Arguably the most beneficial hex dumbbell exercise for working your shoulder muscles. In order to maintain a straight back sit down on a back-supported vertical bench. To perform the correct technique when operating the dumbbell shoulder press raise both hands at the same time. Although your deltoid (shoulder) muscles will be the primary muscles operated, your triceps will also be worked, making it an ideal upper body dumbbell exercise.

2. Kneeling One Arm Row

The Kneeling One Arm Rowis a classic dumbbell exercise, primarily working the back muscles. To perform this action, place your hand and knee flat on a bench, targeting your middle back muscles (lats). This productive hex dumbbell exercise requires your rear deltoid muscle to aid the primary worker, the lats.

3. Dumbbell Bench Press

The hex dumbbell bench press is easily one of the best dumbbell exercises for the chest. In order to operate this exercise, you’ll need to use a flat bench. The dumbbell bench press specifically works the pectoral muscles (chest), triceps and front deltoids (shoulders). Using a reclining and declining bench you can adjust this exercise to operate the dumbbell incline bench press and decline bench press.

For a great upper body workout try doing these 3 exercises for 4 sets of 10-15 reps each with around 1-2 minutes rest between sets. This will help build muscle, but if you’re looking for a more strength building workout try more sets with less reps and using a heavier weight dumbbell.

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